Knit for WOOL, how does it work?

 In Questions Answered

Knit for WOOL?

Yes please!  But how does it work?

Well thanks for asking!  As this business is on the GROW I have become unable to do all of the MAKING this business needs, so that’s all the samples needed for shows, trunk shows and photo shoots.  So I need the help of my community and that means the keen makers have the opportunity to knit for Wool!

It works like this:

  • Agree to make a sample for the Woven Co, you will be given more info about the pattern, level of knitting skill, size, colours, and when the sample is needed (the completion date) and you decide if it works for you
  • The pattern, wools (and tools if needed) are sent to you, along with a courier return bag for the finished piece
  • Once the finished sample is received back to The Woven Co, you will be given a wool credit (equal to the same quantity of wool used in the sample) to use in our online store… so you can shop for the wools and colours that your heart desires!
  • AND you get to keep the pattern you were sent too

Really all I ask is that if you commit to making the sample, you believe you’ll get it done by the date needed.  Although I do understand that life sneaks up on us sometimes, so if that happens, we’ll work it out.

Who’s in?




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